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Flights from Boston to Miami

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{{ adults }}
{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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Boston - Miami flight deals

Find a last minute deal or low cost flight from Boston to Miami!

Spirit Airlines
Tue, 09/10 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 09/17 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found 11 days ago
From $57
Spirit Airlines
Sat, 06/22 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Sat, 06/29 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found Yesterday
From $58
Spirit Airlines
Wed, 08/28 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Thu, 09/05 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found 12 days ago
From $70
Sun, 09/01 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Sat, 09/07 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found Yesterday
From $82
JetBlue Airways
Thu, 06/06 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
JetBlue Airways
Wed, 06/26 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found 13 days ago
From $85
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 06/11 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 06/18 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found 6 days ago
From $85
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 06/11 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Wed, 06/26 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found 4 days ago
From $88
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 08/20 (BOS) Boston -> (MIA) Miami
Spirit Airlines
Tue, 08/27 (MIA) Miami -> (BOS) Boston

Price found Yesterday
From $88
How do we get the info you see here? Please note that we offer an online comparison service and that all information and prices regarding services and/or products available on our website are provided by our third-party partners. We do our best to show you up-to-date information, but please note that we are not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information published, so please check all conditions carefully on the website of the partner before making a booking. Please check our Terms and Conditions for more details. Read more

Top airlines on the route Boston - Miami

Airlines providing flights to Miami from Boston

Find cheap flights from Boston to Miami in a few seconds with Jetcost

Boston to Miami flights can be cheaper when you choose a multi-stop flight. In case you need to take a direct flight, our website gives you up to date information on non-stop flights from Boston to Miami. Journey deep into the Everglades Safari park and experience panoramic views of the wilderness with all its natural flora, fauna and native wildlife.

Flights to Miami

Miami is home to numerous entertainment venues, performing arts centers, theaters and parks. It is also known for its museums that include:

  • Frost Art Museum
  • Miami Science Museum
  • History Miami
  • Miami Art Museum
  • Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
Fly to Miami during the warmer months between January and April if you want to avoid the chill Boston weather. The beaches of Miami during this season, whether you visit the South Beach, the Surfside Beach or the Crandon Park Beach, are places to relax and test the warm waters. You can also satisfy your passion for breathtaking beachside strolls, sailing, snorkeling, shopping and more. With a number of top beach hotels in Miami it’s easy book a hotel close to your area of interest. So book cheap flights from Boston to Miami on our website today and make your dream vacation come true!

Flights from Boston to Miami reach the Miami International Airport is conveniently located at a distance of 7 miles from downtown Miami. It’s easy to get to the downtown area by the shuttle vans, Airport Flyer express buses or rent a car in Miami and reach your chosen destination with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about flights from Boston to Miami.

How much does an airline ticket from Boston to Miami cost?

The lowest price recorded in the last 15 days for a flight from Boston to Miami is $57.

How far is Boston from Miami?

Boston is about 1260 mi from Miami.

What are the airports in Miami?

Miami has another airport: Fort Lauderdale.

What are the airports in Boston?

Boston has one airport: Boston - Logan.

What are the most popular cities in United States?

The most popular cities in United States according to our users' searches are: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Orlando.

When should I book a flight from Boston to Miami?

The best time to book a flight from Boston to Miami is 1 month in advance, while the worst time is 1 week in advance.

What is the cheapest month to fly from Boston to Miami?

The cheapest month to fly from Boston to Miami is September.

What is the most expensive month to fly from Boston to Miami?

The most expensive month to fly from Boston to Miami is March.

What is the best day of the week to fly from Boston to Miami?

For flights from Boston to Miami Saturday is on average the cheapest day to fly, while Sunday is the most expensive day to fly.
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